You are the player John who searches for the ingredients for his drink in his kitchen. After finding a lot of stuff (you don´t need to collect everything, but you´ll need something to make a drink of) you can look at your inventory with the "i"-button to see what you collected. but be aware: Someone forgot to make the game stop when the inventory is open... 

This information may be useful when you run away from your mum. She wants you to go to college instead of mixing drinks at a bar, that´s why she throws some degrees at you. They might hurt, but you can "catch" them with the "e" button. 

The "e"-button is also useful for climbing leadders and mixing a drink behind the bar. Whenever you wanna interact with something, press it. If nothing happens,  it isn´t interacteable. When you are done mixing a drink go to it, you´ll automatically collect and after that you can dive deep through your mixed drink (yes the colors match the drink you have made). While looking for the ringing phone you have to either avoid touching whatever falls into the drink (it doesn´t fall correctly ´cause it may be buggy) or you have to push the lovely "e"-button to not be killed instantly by the stuff. 

When you make it to the phone without getting too much damage you have won the game and you - as John - can go to your new job in the bar instead of studying the stuff your mom wants you to study. 

Have luck and fun in life and in making your own choices as a grown man. Hope you´ll make it!

Made withGodot

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